Build Strong Patient Relationships with Healthcare Automation

Create a solid foundation of trust and engagement with EQUP, a healthcare automation tool that personalizes care experiences and amplifies communication efficiency.

We care about your data in our privacy policy.

Key Healthcare Operations That Need Automation

By identifying and prioritizing different healthcare operations, hospitals and clinics can employ EQUP to improve accuracy and elevate the quality of care delivery.

Online Bookings
Patient Management
Patient Portal
Health Record Management
Appointments and Meetings
WorkFlow Automation
Billing and Invoicing
Marketing Automation
Business Flow Automation
AI Chat Bot

How EQUP Improves Healthcare Operations and Patient Care?

By providing solutions for appointment scheduling, patient profile creation, communication across various channels, and managing other essential tasks, EQUP significantly enhances healthcare business efficiency.

Practice Management

Efficiently organize patient information, streamline appointment scheduling, and enhance communication with patients through automation using EQUP.

Centralize patient data, facilitate easy appointment scheduling, and track medical history and treatment plans all within EQUP. Our software allows healthcare professionals to efficiently manage patient interactions, improve care coordination, and enhance overall patient satisfaction, resulting in better overall care coordination.
  • Centralized patient data by creating patient profiles.
  • Streamlined appointment scheduling and management.
  • Tracking medical history, diagnoses, and treatment plans.
  • Personalized care based on patient needs/preferences.

By centralizing and digitizing patient records, reports, and other documents, EQUP ensures secure and efficient document storage and retrieval. This results in better collaboration among healthcare providers as they’ll get faster access to critical information and make informed decisions.
  • Store medical records, administrative files, and documents in one place.
  • Improved accessibility for quick retrieval.
  • Efficient organization and categorization of documents.
  • Easy sharing and editing among healthcare professionals.

EQUP facilitates hospitals and clinics in efficiently managing appointments for their healthcare specialists across various specialty departments. It enables the uploading of individual doctor profiles, including their qualifications, specialties, and charges, alongside their booking calendars. This makes it convenient for patients to book consultations with their preferred healthcare professionals.
  • Efficient appointment management across multiple departments within a single interface.
  • Update profiles of healthcare specialists and their respective departments.
  • Manage each specialists’ calendars and available booking slots.
  • Patients can filter specialists based on their specialization.
  • Display the charges associated with each healthcare professional.

EQUP simplifies consent and agreement processes with built-in e-signatures. This allows secure, convenient signing of patient forms and documents, saving time and ensuring faster approvals. It also encourages a paperless workflow, digitizing important administrative docs.
  • Secure e-signatures for consent forms, contracts, and authorizations.
  • Simplify administrative processes with digital documentation.
  • Faster document signing, reducing turnaround time.
  • Reduced costs associated with paper documentation.

EQUP prioritizes patient privacy by adhering to HIPAA regulations. This ensures secure data storage and encryption, restricted access controls, and compliance with data breach protocols. By adhering to HIPAA standards, we safeguard sensitive information and mitigate risks of data breaches.
  • Robust encryption methods to secure patient data.
  • Access controls limiting data access to authorized personnel.
  • Automatic data backups to prevent data loss.
  • Secure transmission of patient information.
  • Compliance with HIPAA regulations to protect patient privacy.

Boost Patient Acquisition and Retention Effortlessly!

EQUP streamlines processes and enhances patient engagement strategies, attracting new patients while ensuring that existing ones remain satisfied.

Patient Journey Management

Track and optimize every touchpoint and interaction a patient has with your healthcare business, from initial contact to post-treatment follow-up.

Your patients can conveniently schedule appointments through online forms, phone calls, chatbot, and WhatsApp by sharing a booking link. This functionality offers flexibility and accessibility, allowing patients to book appointments at any time from any location.
  • 24/7 availability for appointment scheduling.
  • Convenient and user-friendly interface for patients.
  • Real-time availability of appointment slots.
  • Flexibility for patients to book appointments from anywhere.

EQUP allows efficient and effective communication between healthcare providers and patients through various channels such as SMS, email, and patient portals. Send appointment reminders, share test reports, and request important documents from patients all within EQUP, resulting in better patient experiences and adherence to treatment plans.
  • Appointment reminders to reduce no-shows and improve attendance.
  • Follow-up messages for post-appointment care instructions.
  • Two-way communication channels for patient inquiries.
  • Integration with patient portals for secure messaging.
  • Improved care coordination through communication.

Simplify appointment scheduling with EQUP’s user-friendly interface for both patients and staff. Hospitals and clinics can efficiently manage the schedules of their healthcare professionals by facilitating the booking, rescheduling, and cancellation of appointments.
  • Streamlined booking, rescheduling, and cancellation of appointments.
  • Reduction of scheduling conflicts and errors.
  • Improved clinic efficiency and patient satisfaction.
  • Allow calendar integration for real-time updates.
  • Automated reminders to reduce no-show rates.

Give your patients a dedicated space to securely access their health records, schedule appointments, view test results, and communicate with experts online. EQUP enhances patient engagement and offers them convenience by allowing them to actively manage their healthcare journey.
  • Secure online access to health records and test results.
  • Convenient appointment scheduling and management.
  • Improved communication and coordination between patients and physicians.
  • Greater convenience and accessibility for patients.

Track key performance indicators, generate customizable reports, and gain valuable insights into patient care and healthcare practice operations with EQUP. This data-driven approach empowers practitioners to optimize workflows, improve patient outcomes, and make informed business decisions.
  • Customizable reports tailored to specific needs and requirements.
  • Tracking of KPIs for monitoring and improvement.
  • Data-driven insights for patient care optimization.
  • Visualization options such as graphs and charts for easy data interpretation.
  • Predictive analytics capabilities for forecasting and planning.

AI-Powered Automation

Make the best use of AI in your healthcare business by automating repetitive tasks, optimizing business workflows, and improving decision-making.

Automate appointments, billing, and notifications with EQUP. Customize it to your specific needs and let it run seamlessly in the background. Easily update settings anytime to keep your system running smoothly, even as your business grows.
  • Streamlined appointment scheduling and management processes.
  • Automated billing and invoicing for accurate and timely payments.
  • Reduction of manual errors or any manual intervention.
  • Greater focus on patient care and satisfaction.
  • Overall optimization of healthcare operations and workflows.

EQUP automates predefined workflows, like patient intake, appointment reminders, and post-visit follow-ups. This allows improved operational efficiency, reduced errors, and smoother workflow processes, enhancing the overall effectiveness of healthcare services.
  • Automated different healthcare operations with defined workflows.
  • Automated appointment scheduling, management, and billing processes.
  • Improved patient satisfaction through faster and smoother processes.
  • Greater focus on patient care and outcomes.
  • Overall improvement in operational efficiency and effectiveness.

EQUP facilitates your marketing team to automate different marketing tasks such as email campaigns, patient outreach, and promotional activities. With data analytics and segmentation features, healthcare businesses can send personalized and targeted marketing messages, track campaign performance, and nurture patient relationships for better patient engagement and retention.
  • Automated email, sms, whatsapp campaigns for patient outreach and communication.
  • Custom marketing messages based on patient demographics and preferences.
  • Segmentation of patient lists for targeted marketing campaigns.
  • Tracking and analysis of campaign performance and patient engagement metrics.

Automate billing processes, including generating accurate claims, handling insurance submissions, payment processing, and revenue cycle management. Automation in billing and payments reduces errors and ensures faster reimbursements, improving financial efficiency for your healthcare business.
  • Automated claims submission to insurance companies for quick reimbursement.
  • Efficient payment processing for quicker revenue collection.
  • Automatic generation and distribution of invoices and statements.
  • Real-time monitoring of billing and revenue cycle performance.

Give 24/7 access to information and support to your patients through an AI chatbot. You can train the bot to answer frequently asked questions, schedule appointments, provide medication reminders, and offer guidance on healthcare resources, improving the overall patient experience.
  • 24/7 availability for patient queries and assistance.
  • Instant responses to common inquiries.
  • Appointment scheduling and reminders.
  • Access to educational resources and self-care tips.
  • Handle large volumes of inquiries efficiently.

Industries We Serve

Get started with EQUP to simplify your service business scheduling, enhance communication, and optimize resource allocation.

Give Your Business a Fresh Start with EQUP!

Curious to know how EQUP can transform your business and its operations? Request a free demo today and witness the revolution firsthand!

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